All The Information You Need To Participate in The Carty Method LIVE.

The Carty Method on YouTube 29.5K Subscribers.
I go Live on YouTube 3x per week. And I do secret YouTube Members only streams often. My YouTube Members get access to what will feel like a new bonus channel within my existing channel when you unlock my members only content. Hit the join button on my YouTube channel to gain access.
The Carty Method Podcast
Master the Art of Making a Living with Your Camera. Learn how to be a high value working pro by leveraging my 33yr pro experience. I provide actionable steps, and support along the way.
Sundays: LIVE @ 12pm EST (9am PT, 6PM GMT+1)
The Carty Method Photo Reviews
Every Tuesday & Thursday, I give detailed critique's of viewer submitted assignments. If you'd like to have me review your work twice per week, sign up here.
Tuesdays & Thursdays: LIVE @ 12pm EST (9am PT, 6PM GMT+1)
LIVE CHAT COMMANDS - (will not work during replays)
I've been developing my Live Presentations for almost 4 years. My set up is deep, interactive and so fun to participate in.
I've created a way that you can do everything from; getting answers to commonly asked questions while I'm presenting to displaying graphics and soundbytes and even asking me a question.
If you hear me or my team refer to the "command" symbol, you know it as the exclamation mark "!".
With my commands, you put the exclamation mark FIRST, then the command, Then press enter. These commands don't work if there are any other words with them.
It looks like this in action. !heartrate (enter) and then your action will happen. You'll pick it up quick, see what my other viewers are doing.
YouTube Member Commands
Hit the Join Button to access these commands while Live.
!heartrate - display my current heart rate on screen
!hqc - display "high quality content" graphic and soundbyte
!clip - create a vertical clip and save to my hard drive of the last 60s
!selfie - display "selfie girl meme" graphic
!timewarp - glitch my camera with a line scan
!goodvibes - display "goodvibes" graphic and soundbyte
!yes - display "taylor swift, yes" graphic
!pic - screenshot me, display "we'll be right back" graphic and soundbyte
!vhs - send my camera back to 1995.
!bigbrain - display "mind math" meme graphic
!biglove - display "biglove" graphic
General Commands
YouTube Subscribers can use these commands while Live or during a Premiere. You will get an auto reply in chat.
!community - tells you how to join my community
!socials - gives you my list of socials
!merch - gives you a link to my merch store
!8ball then ask question then press enter. To get my magic 8ball answers.
!tip - gives you my tip link for donations
!schedule - gives you my schedule
!camera - gives you some of my camera gear and a link to my full gearlist
!lighting - give you some of my lighting gear and a link to my full gearlist
!tts - tells you how to have your messages read aloud
!newvid - gives you the link to my latest video
!q - creates question soundbyte and alerts me to the question you put in a new line in chat.
!commands - gives you this list of commands
!coaching - gives you the link to all my coaching programs
!submissions - gives you the link to sign up for photo submissions
!join - gives you the link to joining my youtube channel
!commandments - gives you the list of YouTube Member commands
!habittracker - gives you the link to get my habit tracker
!callsheet - gives you the link to get my callsheet
!coldreachout - gives you the link to get my cold reach out pack
!uptime - tells you exactly how long I've been Live in minutes.