The Carty Method

"The future photographer isn't just a photographer at all. They have mastered the evergreen skills to bridge the gap to becoming a content creator. An idea generator. A storyteller, A specialist in idea execution. One that brings value to every table they attend."

These are the Most Profitable Niches in Photography May 06, 2024

Hey Crew. Today's post is all about identifying the most profitable niches for photographers out there. What they are, how to get into them and how much you can expect to make in each one. Read up....

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The Art of Living and Thriving as an Emerging Photographer Apr 29, 2024

If we don’t live every day like we’re dying, we die without really living. For photographers, the competition is fierce. What effort today are you making to create your legacy? Did you...

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I loose subscribers on YouTube every day. Apr 29, 2024

Most photographers don’t have the tools, don’t want the tools or don’t care to know about the tools to make a living at this. When I talk less about taking pictures and more about...

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Social Media Hacks Every Photographer Should Know. Apr 29, 2024

These 6 key shifts with how I used social media established authority, exploded engagement and brought me clients. 

If you’re a photographer struggling to make a mark on social media,...

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